Out of Order

Out of Order Tour - 2017
This sequel to TWO INTO ONE finds Richard Willey in the Westminster hotel once again. It’s a different young lady this time but a far worse problem arises – in the shape of a dead body stuck in the window of their suite. As Richard shouldn’t be with the young lady in the first place he can’t report the body to either the hotel management or the police so (foolish fellow) he, once more, enlists the aid of George Pigden. Richard’s wife, the wily waiter and the suspicious hotel manager from TWO INTO ONE are again on hand to add to the mayhem which includes a private detective (where did he come from?) and George’s mother’s nurse (where did she come from?)
OUT OF ORDER won London’s Lawrence Olivier Award for “Comedy of the Year” and went on to be another world-wide hit.
CAST 6 men 4 women
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CONCORD THEATRICALS at www.concordtheatricals.co.uk
For all other Professional and Foreign Language Rights please contact
RAY COONEY PLAYS at info@raycooneyplays.co.uk
Tel/Fax 01732 867405 (from Overseas +44 1732 867405)
First performed at the Thorndike, Leatherhead on the 8th May 1990 with the following cast;
The Manager - John Pennington
Richard Willey MP - Bruce Montague
The Waiter - Robert Fyfe
The Maid - Sally Kinghorn
Jane Worthington - Judy Buxton
A Body - David Warwick
George Pigden - Ray Cooney
Ronnie Worthington - Michael Fenner
Pamela Willey - Wanda Ventham
Directed By - Ray Cooney
Subsequently produced at the Shaftsbury Theatre, London on the 28th September 1990 with the following cast;
Richard Willey - Donald Sinden
The Manager - Dennis Ramsden
The Waiter - Brian Murphy
Jane Worthington - Sandra Dickinson
A Body - David Warwick
George Pigden - Michael Williams
The Maid - Pamela Cundell
Ronnie Worthington - Michael Fenner
Pamela Willey - Wanda Ventham
Gladys - Jacqueline Clarks
Directed By - Ray Cooney

8th to 11th Mar
Yvonne Arnaud - Guildford
20th to 25th Mar
Theatre Royal - Brighton
27th to 1st Apr
Marlowe Theatre - Canterbury
3rd to 8th Apr
Richmond Theatre - Richmond
10th to 15th Apr
New Alexandra Theatre - Birmingham
17th to 22nd Apr
Theatre Royal - Glasgow
2nd to 6th May
Hall For Cornwall - Truro
8th to 13th May
Malvern Theatre - Malvern
15th to 20th May
New Theatre - Cardiff
22nd to 27th May
Theatre Royal - Newcastle
29th to 3rd Jun
Opera House - Manchester
5th to 10th Jun
Orchard Theatre - Dartford
14th to 17th Jun
Lyceum Theatre - Sheffield
19th to 24th Jun
Churchill Theatre - Bromley
26th to 1st Jul
New Theatre - Oxford
3rd to 8th Jul
Grand Theatre - Swansea
10th to 15th Jul
Palace Theatre - Southen
17th to 22nd Jul
Theatre Royal - Nottingham
Quote from Ray
“Having directed my Olivier Award – Winning play in London and all over the world, and hearing all that wonderful raucous laughter from audiences, it has become one of my favourite plays. I’ve up-dated it to present day and fortunately the basic premise of a philandering MP is as likely today as it was when the play was originally written!”